

Schmidt Refills know that Your style of writing reflects who you are. Hence, you should look for pens that write nice and easy; enabling you to express thoughts and ideas visually with character and emphasis.

SCHMIDT Objective consist in look for new writing methods and perfect the existing ones. As an innovative company they produce quality products and solutions for the writer of today and tomorrow.
Their new Generation of Soft refills add a completely new dimension to writing in terms of ink refills. Let yourself be surprised.

Simply pleasant writing

Market research proves repeatedly that the ” feeling” when you write  is the crucial criteria when deciding to purchase a pen. The  new Generation of Soft refills from SCHMIDT meet these requirements; because they bring that good “feeling” and delight in its use.

You, also are going enjoy the feeling of these refills, they are beyond comparison: Ceramic refill or Cap less refill. Our customers love them!